On New Years Eve we drove up to Fort Worth to watch Air Force play in the bowl game. It was a disappointing ending, but we still had fun. We were able to see my Aunt and Uncle, our good friends the Schellhous' and the Johnson's. Aubrey thought that the best part was the cheerleaders. She got to meet them and get their autographs. Isaac liked the football players. Here are some pictures of the game. Notice Aubrey's fingers? She thinks that the "Hook em horns" is a common used symbol by all cheerleaders.
Bryce has a longhorns hat he wears all the time and here in Husker territory it isn't received very well sometimes. People comment on it all the time and even if they're not being terribly nice (which irritates me to no end - he's 5!!!) he gives them a big smile and a hook em horns. Take that, huskers!
I love the hook 'em horns. Our friends gave us a ride home from church last week when Ben took Anna and Parker home sick. The dad was saying goodbye to Scott and made the 'hanging loose' sign. Scott responded with Hook 'em Horns!
That was so much fun! Really cute pictures!
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