Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Crib

It seems like our sweet easy going Isaac is now turning into a mischievous toddler. Over the past week we have had to remove our dishwasher to get utensils which Isaac shoved between it and the counter, and remove the air intake for the furnace to get puzzle pieces. Today has been my favorite though. Isaac learned how to climb out of his crib. I put him down for a nap and about 10 minutes later I heard a thud and there was Isaac. I tried to get him to take a nap again and he just crawled out again. Maybe he will get a crib tent for Christmas.


Melanie said...

Not a fun phase. Good luck with the crib tent!

Hillary said...

Welcome to the life of boys! So much fun, so much energy, so much trouble. Gotta love them. Did you get a crib tent? I have heard they work well, hope you have success.