Thursday, February 18, 2010

Round two

We had our second round of concussions followed by emergency room visits on Monday night. I feel like I am a veteran at the emergency room. While we were at Sam's club Isaac feel out of the shopping cart and landed on his head. He feel pretty hard and could not stay awake. We took him home and he started throwing up(This is the number one sign that you need to go to the emergency room. Just in case you every have this lovely experience) Isaac performed nicely when we walked in. He couldn't stay awake so I brought this lump of a child in my arms to the front desk. After telling them the problem, I woke him up and he started spewing all over. They quickly got him a wheel chair and a room. it was kind of scary when 5 nurses surrounded him and start poking him and hooking him up to all kinds of machines. After 1 cat scan, 1 x-ray of his spine to make sure it was not broken and 4 hours we were cleared to go home. As we were leaving Isaac said,"I love this place. They have the tastiest blue Gatorade. Can we come back?" To which I told him that I would buy him blue Gatorade and we don't need to go to the hospital for it. As an added bonus Isaac also pick up the stomach flu while we were at the hospital.

Thanks for our dear friends who came over and put Aubrey to bed and stayed at our house until we got home!!!

For those of you who don't know Aubrey feel off the monkey bars at school in November and landed on her head. This was our first concussion experience. Aubrey said that she passed her concussion on to Isaac who is going to pass it on to me and then Jeremy and Nathaniel. I hope that she is wrong.


Breanne said...

Oh my goodness!! All that for blue Gatorade. :)

Thanks for the info about concussions. I have a feeling I'll one day need it with my crazy little guy.

Karebear said...

Ahh! I'm am sorry! That sound super crazy! I'm glad that he is okay. Luckily concussions are contagious like Aubrey thinks they are. I think Parker got something from the Doctor's office last week when Anna was there for her well check-up. So not fair! I hope everything else is okay.

Cami said...

Wowsers- contagious concussions- who knew?!? I'm so glad he's okay. This time of year I always think twice about taking my kids in to the doctor for fear of bringing home something worse. Bryn had hives for seven days before I finally took her in. Turns out, she was fine. Oh, but she brought home the flu.

MartyE said...

That is terrible!
I am glad Isaac is okay but sorry you had to pay for a cat scan, ER visit and every other test they did just for some blue gatorade!

Beth schell said...

Oh that is awful. Unfortunately I can feel your pain. Jacob fell out of the cart at Target just last month and landed on his head. It is such a terrible thing. I'm glad that Isaac is alright now (and introduced into the world of blue gatorade)!

We had our first emergency room experience with Lareine- which yielded a $100 bandaid. Girls are so different than boys, I tell you.

Melanie said...

Two concussions? That stinks!
I was just catching up on your blog and can't believe you finally got released as Primary Pres. Holy Smokes, you were going at it forever! I bet you were awesome and I hope you have an easy, low stress calling now.

Sheri said...

Blue gatorade is my pregnancy drink of choice - but it's not worth getting preggo again for an excuse to drink it all the time. Poor Isaac!!